Interactive Database Tutorials
Baseline BADBIR Data Entry Interactive Guides
Please select the link below for a short interactive training session on a section of the BADBIR database:
- Demographics: Registering a new patient
- Psoriasis: Recording a patient's psoriasis history
- Disease Severity: Recording baseline PASI and PSA details
- Concomitant Therapy: Recording information of systemic treatments being received at baseline
- Biologic Therapy: Recording details of registration therapy for patients in the biologic cohort
- Small Molecule Therapy: Recording details of registration therapy for patients in the small molecule cohort
- Conventional Therapy: Recording details of registration therapy for patients in the conventional cohort
- Previous Therapy: To record details of patient's previous systemic treatments for psoriasis
- Comorbidities: Recording pre-existing medical conditions at baseline
- Skin: Fitzpatrick skin type and history of lesions
- UV Therapy: Recording details of patient's UV exposure
- Lab Values: To record blood results
- Additional Information: Blood pressure, height, weight and waist circumference measurements
- Lifestyle Factors
- EuroQol
Patient Completed Questionnaires:
Follow-up BADBIR Data Entry Interactive Guides
Please select the link below for a short interactive training session on a section of the BADBIR database:
- Biologic Therapy: Update on biologic therapy
- Small Molecule Therapy: Update on small molecule therapy (awaiting video...)
- Conventional Therapy: Update on conventional therapy
- Concomitant Therapy: Update on systemic treatments being received
- UV Therapy: Update on patient's UV exposure
- Lab Values: To record blood results for a follow-up period
- Adverse Events: To record details of an Adverse Event
- Adverse Events: To record details of a Serious Adverse Event
- Disease Severity: Recording PASIs and PSA details
- Additional Information: Update on weight and waist circumference measurements
- Medical Problems
- Lifestyle Factors
- EuroQol
Patient Completed Follow-Up Questionnaires: