Avoiding data queries
Many common queries can be easily avoided. With over 60,000 queries in our system, we know a thing or two about how they work!
Data quality is important on BADBIR - better research stems from better data. Queries help us fill in any gaps we find in the data, and are a key part to us acheiving high quality research.
However, it's always best to solve the problem at the source, so we've built this page to help you reduce the number of queries being generated, and also improve communication when dealing with data queries.
Sections on this page
Click the links to jump to the relevant section.
- Radio buttons
- Registering new patients
- Switchers
- Using the Preview Queries section
- Responding to queries
Radio buttons
Many database pages have radio buttons which require one of several selections. These are often missed altogether - please check back over your selections to make sure you've not missed any. If you can't make a selection due to data unavailability, write us a comment in the Feedback section.

Here are some common examples of radio buttons being missed which almost always generate a query:
- These buttons are used to denote changes to database pages - where you see a question such as "Have there been any changes to the patient's therapy in this period?" - we require "Yes" or "No" to be selected. This includes treatments stopping as well as starting.
- They are also used to confirm whether the CAGE and HAQ are applicable. If these are applicable but haven't been entered, please select "No" for these, otherwise a query will be generated as it looks as though the page should be filled in.
- On the Psoriasis page at baseline, there are lots of radio buttons used to determine the patient's psoriasis types; it can be easy to miss one as they all look the same. The most common query here is when "Chronic plaque" is selected as "Yes", but the size selections (small or large) are left as "No". At least one of these must be "Yes" to avoid a query.
Registering new patients
It's important that you have all of the relevant details to hand when registering a new patient. It's even more important that the patient is eligible for BADBIR - please check our Eligibility page to check. If you're not sure, it's best to ask us before registering them, as we may have to make their record on the database invalid if they're later found to be ineligible, and your time would be wasted.
An especially important point to note is that we cannot accept registrations of patients before their treatment has started. Even if there is a planned start date, until this date comes, the patient may not actually commence treatment - in which case they'd be ineligible. Remember that the patient must sign the consent form within six months of the treatment commencing.
Please note, if we do not receive vital details when a new patient is registered, such as drug details and DLQI/PASI, we may set a deadline before the patient will be made invalid. Invalid patients cannot be seen on the database, and their queries are also hidden, so if you think this has happened in error and you have the details we require, please contact us.
A patient is referred to as a switcher if they are initially registered on BADBIR with a conventional therapy and later switch to a biologic one. Because they are no longer naive to biologic therapy, they must switch cohorts.
- Please note, if a patient is switching from a biologic treatment to a conventional one, they do not switch cohorts. Remember: once you go biologic, you never go back!
This process is mostly handled by the BADBIR admin staff, but we need to make sure we have as much information as possible in order for the switch to go smoothly. Please see the list below for the details you need to provide, using the Feedback section, in the event of one of your patients switching cohorts. If any of these are missing, you can expect a query!
- New biologic drug name (e.g. Humira/Adalimumab)
- New biologic drug dose (e.g. 40mg)
- New biologic drug frequency (e.g. fortnightly)
- Dose dates, if applicable (e.g. for Stelara/Ustekinumab)
- Any extra drug information, such as whether the loading dose was taken for Humira
We take this information and create a new baseline record for the patient, which involves combining the original baseline with the latest follow-up information. It's important that we have a recent follow-up on file in order to populate the new baseline with the information that fits best; please fill in the latest follow-up as fully as you can, while telling us the biologic drug details using the Feedback section or via email.
- Remember to fill in the latest follow-up as fully as you can so we can switch the patient quickly.
Once the patient is switched, depending on how long ago they started their biologic drug, some follow-up information may need to be moved. Again this is handled by the BADBIR admin staff. If there are important missing details, such as PASIs or DLQIs, we may raise a query for these. Sometimes we require information before we're able to switch the patient - please respond as soon as possible to enable us to make the switch.
Using the Preview Queries section
This section has been designed to reduce your queries to almost zero. By using this section, you can see exactly what the BADBIR admin staff will see when checking the record. If there are suggestions in the Preview Queries section, before closing the edit window you can go back and fill in anything left out by mistake, or acknowledge missing data using the Feedback section.

- Please note, we may have to raise other queries not listed in the Preview Queries section, such as adverse event queries, or when we run ad hoc data cleaning.
Responding to queries
It may seem simple, but a patchy response to a query means we'll have to ask again, and it can slow the querying process heavily. See below for some helpful guidelines when responding to queries.
- Consider whether BADBIR needs the date alongside the missing information you're providing (e.g. lab values - without dates they are meaningless)
- The more detail the better - it's quicker for us to sift through one big message than us having to repeatedly ask for more information
- Double-check your message before you send it to make sure the information is correct, especially date and adverse event information as typos here can be confusing